Fifth Regional Seminar on Good Governance for Southeast Asian Countries
UNAFEI's annual Regional Seminar on Good Governance for Southeast Asian Countries, known as the GG Seminar, aims to promote the rule of law and good governance in the region, assist the participating countries with human resource development, and enhance mutual understanding and co-operation.
The Fifth GG Seminar was hosted by UNAFEI and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in Tokyo, Japan, from 7 to 9 December 2011. The sixteen participants and one observer included criminal justice practitioners from eight countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. In addition to these representatives, two visiting experts from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Independent Commission against Corruption, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (ICAC), were invited. Six Japanese advisers also attended, representing the Japan International Cooperation Agency, the Japan Fair Trade Commission, the Financial Services Agency, the Ministry of Finance and the National Personnel Authority.
The main theme of this Seminar was "Preventing Corruption: Effective Administrative and Criminal Justice Measures". The Deputy Director of UNAFEI's introductory remarks was followed by presentations and discussions which focused on the prevention of corruption. The Seminar closed on a high note, following the Chairperson's reading of his Statement summarizing the discussions.
The report of the Fifth Regional Seminar on Good Governance for Southeast Asian Countries
- Click here
to read the introductory remarks made by the Deputy Director of UNAFEI.
- Click here
to read the Chair's Statement.