Sixth Regional Seminar on Good Governance for Southeast Asian Countries
UNAFEI hosted the Sixth Regional Seminar on Good Governance for Southeast Asian Countries, known as the GG Seminar, from 12 to 14 December 2012 in the Main Conference Room of the Ministry of Justice in Tokyo. As this year marks the 50th anniversary of UNAFEI's foundation, the Seminar was held as a commemorative event.
UNAFEI has hosted the GG Seminar annually since 2007 to promote the rule of law and good governance in Southeast Asian Countries. UNAFEI held the First and the Second Seminars in Bangkok, Thailand, the Third and the Fourth Seminars in Manila, the Philippines and the Fifth Seminar in Tokyo, Japan. This year's event was also held in Tokyo, Japan.
The main theme of this Seminar was "International Cooperation: Mutual Legal Assistance and Extradition". The twenty criminal justice practitioners participated from eight countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. In addition to those representatives, nine guest speakers and advisors presented at the Seminar on behalf of the following organizations: the Attorney General's Chambers of Singapore, the United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD), the International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) of the Basel Institute on Governance, the Korean Institute of Criminology, the Seoul High Prosecutors' Office of the Republic of Korea, and Beijing Normal University. UNAFEI also invited four Japanese advisers from the National Police Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice.
The Deputy Director of UNAFEI delivered the introductory remarks, which were followed by the presentations of the participants, guest speakers and advisers. During discussions, the participants and guest speakers emphasized the necessity of international cooperation and the importance of sharing practical information and experiences, thereby enhancing international cooperation in the fight against corruption and transnational organized crime, particularly through effective MLA and extradition. The Seminar brought together experts from the central authorities of eight countries for the purposes of sharing information regarding MLA and extradition procedures and practices and strengthening personal relationships among criminal justice practitioners. As a consequence, it was recognized that the Seminar was a significant step towards more effective international cooperation. The Seminar closed on a high note, following the Chairperson's reading of his Statement summarizing the discussions.
UNAFEI intends to continue providing forums for the promotion of Good Governance.
The report of the Sixth Regional Seminar on Good Governance for Southeast Asian Countries
- Click here
to read the introductory remarks made by the Deputy Director of UNAFEI.
- Click here
to read the Chair's Statement.