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Training Courses/Seminars Training Courses/Seminars

List and Reports of Joint Seminars

UNAFEI conducts overseas seminars jointly with the governments of participating nations, aiming for effective measures to fight against crime. UNAFEI staff are dispatched to nations in Asia and the Pacific Region to conduct one-week seminars attended by many participants engaged in the criminal justice administration of the host country.

These joint seminars have been organized in cooperation with JICA annually since 1981, contributing greatly to the improvement of the criminal justice policies and administration of each nation involved.

Joint Seminar in Nepal

No. Nation Date Local Officials UNAFEI and Other Staff
1 Sri Lanka 24-30 Jan. 1981 112 7
2 Malaysia 24 Apr-9 May. 1981 49 8
3 Philippines 2-13 Nov. 1981 33 9
4 Papua New Guinea 14-18 Mar. 1983 21 3
5 Indonesia 13-21 Jan. 1984 100 6
6 Thailand 20-24 Aug. 1984 79 7
7 China 19-25 Dec. 1985 30 5
8 Singapore 15-19 Dec. 1986 75 6
9 Sri Lanka 14-18 Dec. 1987 72 6
10 Philippines 12-16 Dec. 1988 222 7
11 Nepal 19-23 Mar. 1990 83 6
12 Papua New Guinea 18-22 Mar. 1991 126 6
13 Indonesia 20-23 Jan. 1992 100 6
14 Malaysia 10-23 Jan. 1993 120 11
15 Korea 14-16 Jul. 1993 100 9
16 Pakistan 6-19 Mar. 1995 100 9
17 Fiji (PDF17.4KB) 11-15 Mar. 1996 120 8
18 Bangladesh (PDF19.3KB) 15-19 Mar. 1998 120 9
19 India (PDF12.2KB) 14-17 Dec. 1998 50 9
20 Thailand (PDF9.59KB) 11-20 Dec. 1999 100 8
21 Nepal (PDF9.50KB) 19-22 Dec. 2000 37 8
22 Kenya 14-17 Aug. 2001 96 6
23 Philippines 5-8 Dec. 2001 220 8
24 Indonesia 18-20 Dec. 2002 234 6