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Training Courses/Seminars Training Courses/Seminars

Country Focused Training Course on Support for Anti-Corruption Management for Thailand

In this Course, we invited officials from the Office of the National Counter Corruption Commission (ONCC), Thailand. Through the training programme, participants discussed various problems relating to corruption control, expanding their technical and juridical knowledge of the suppression of corruption and asset investigation.

The four main subjects of this Course were:

  • 1. General corruption control.
  • 2. Case management.
  • 3. Investigation into corruption cases and assets.
  • 4. Prevention of corruption.
Course No. Duration Participants No.of Participants
3rd 6 - 28 Apr. 2006 officials from the Office of the National Counter Corruption Commission (ONCC) 15
2nd 27 Jun. - 22 Jul. 2005 officials from the Office of the National Counter Corruption Commission (ONCC) 20
1st 28 Jun. - 23 Jul. 2004 officials from the Office of the National Counter Corruption Commission (ONCC) 20