2-1-18, Mokuseinomori, Akishima-shi, Tokyo, 196-8570, Japan TEL:81-42-500-5100 FAX:81-42-500-5195 Mail:unafei@i.moj.go.jp
What's New
On 20 Feb. - 4 Mar.
Francophone African Criminal Justice Seminar
The Francophone African Criminal Justice Seminar FY 2024 was held from 20 February to 4 March 2025 at JICA
(Japan International Cooperation Agency) Tokyo Center. The theme of the Seminar was “Proper collection and preservation of forensic evidence
and effective prosecution and proof utilizing it.”
Twenty-three criminal justice practitioners from six Francophone African countries (namely Burkina Faso, Chad, Côte
d'Ivoire, Mali, Mauritania and Senegal) participated. Police officers from the Criminal Identification Division, National Police Agency gave lectures
on crime scene identification, DNA analysis and capacity-building etc.
Participants visited the Forensic Science Laboratory of the Metropolitan Police Department.
In addition, participants made presentations about the challenges of their countries such as strong reliance on confession
and discussed possible solutions utilizing the knowledge given through the lectures and the visit. They also made presentations about the solutions.
After each presentation, views and opinions were actively exchanged among the participants.
Through their presentations and questions, we realized once again the importance of forensic evidence and proper collection and preservation of it.
Presentation by each participating country
Lecture by UNAFEI professor
Group discussion
Group photo at the closing ceremony
Presentation by each participating countryLecture by UNAFEI professorGroup discussionGroup photo at the closing ceremony
Announcement for the "Public Lecture on Criminal Justice Policy" (January 2025)
UNAFEI, in collaboration with the Japan Criminal Policy Society (JCPS), the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation (ACPF), will organize the Public Lecture on Criminal Justice Policy on 31 January, 15:00-18:00 JST (6:00-9:00 GMT), inviting distinguished lecturers from the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, State of Bremen, Federal Republic of Germany and Makueni High Court, Republic of Kenya .
For more details and registration for the event, please see the attached flyer.
On 24 Nov. – 2 Dec.
The joint study with Timor-Leste on the treatment of offenders
UNAFEI, with the UNODC Bangkok office, co-hosted a joint study for 8 correctional officials in Timor-Leste. We made significant progress in developing a violence prevention programme which will be implemented in Timor-Leste prisons.
With the cooperation of the Correctional Bureau of the Ministry of Justice of Japan, we visited Tama Juvenile Training School, the Training Institute for Correctional Personnel, Tachikawa Detention House, Kawagoe Juvenile Prison, Ichihara Youth Correction Center, and Ichihara Prison. We also had opportunities to discuss “effective development of staff” with an officer from Fuchu Prison, “the training system for newly hired personnel” with instructors from the Training Institute for Correctional Personnel, “the violence prevention programme in Japan” with an officer from the Tachikawa Detention House, and “the significance of group work” with an officer from Kawagoe Juvenile Prison.
Courtesy Visit to Mr. Koyama, Director-
General of the Correctional Bureau
Group Photo
Courtesy Visit to Mr. Koyama, Director-
General of the Correctional BureauGroup Photo
Lecture by Ms. Natori (Former Director- General of the Correction Bureau)
Study Visit to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Detention Facility
Courtesy Visit to Mr. Koyama, Director- General of the Correctional Bureau
Group Discussion
Group Photo
Individual Presentation by ParticipantsLecture by Ms. Natori (Former Director-General of the Correction Bureau)Study Visit to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Detention FacilityCourtesy Visit to Mr. Koyama, Director-General of the Correctional BureauGroup DiscussionGroup Photo
On 24 - 25 July
On-site workshop for Correctional Officials in Timor-Leste
On 24 and 25 July 2024, UNAFEI, with the UNODC Bangkok office, co-hosted a local workshop for 22 correctional officials in Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste plans to create a new juvenile correctional facility, so in order to contribute to this plan, Mr. Hajime Ikeda, Superintendent of the Tokyo Regional Correction Headquarters, gave a lecture on Japan's juvenile correctional system and treatment philosophy. In addition, UNAFEI currently is working to support the development of a violence prevention programme in Timor-Leste, and in this workshop, participants also had the opportunity to experience being a group work facilitator.
Prior to the workshop, the delegation from Japan paid a courtesy call to Minister of Justice Mr. Sergio Hornai and visited the local prisons. UNAFEI will continue to provide technical assistance on the operation of correctional facilities by the Ministry of Justice of Timor-Leste and on the enhancement of offender treatment.
Courtesy visit to Minister of Justice
Mr. Sergio Hornai
Minister of Justice, Director Yamauchi, and Ambassador
Kimura of Embassy of Timor-Leste
Lecture by Mr. Ikeda, Superintendent of the Tokyo Regional Correction Headquarters
Group photo with workshop participants
Visit to Becora Prison
Visit to Gleno Prison
Courtesy visit to Minister of Justice
Mr. Sergio Hornai
Minister of Justice, Director Yamauchi, and Ambassador
Kimura of Embassy of Timor-LesteLecture by Mr. Ikeda, Superintendent of the
Tokyo Regional Correction Headquarters
Group photo with workshop participantsVisit to Becora PrisonVisit to Gleno Prison
July 18th is “Nelson Mandela Day”! The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is promoting and raising awareness of the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (the Nelson Mandela Rules), and is calling for the posting of relevant content on social media with the tag #PrisonersMatter. For more details, please see the following flyer. Please feel free to post the flyer on your websites/social media.
Presentation by participantsLecture by Prof. KIKUCHI Akikothe Special Public LectureGroup Photo
On 12 -15 Mar.
RTI-SPP Exchange Programme was held in March 2024
From 12 to 15 March 2024, UNAFEI conducted the RTI-SPP Exchange Programme on the theme of the “Protecting Prosecutors from Undue Interference Including Bribery”. Japanese experts made lectures and the participants from Viet Nam gave presentations regarding the theme. Through discussions and exchanges of views, both sides were able to deepen their understanding of the operations and challenges of their respective legal systems and practices.
We hope that expertise gained through this session will be helpful to the development of the criminal justice system in both Viet Nam and Japan.
Presentation from Mr. SETO Takeshi, President of the RTI
Presentation from Viet Nam
Courtesy call to Mr. Nguyễn Quang Dũng, Deputy Prosecutor General of SPP
Group Photo with Participants
Presentation from Mr. SETO Takeshi, President of the RTIPresentation from Viet NamCourtesy call to Mr. Nguyễn Quang Dũng, Deputy Prosecutor General of SPPGroup Photo with Participants
On 26 Feb. – 4 Mar.
The joint study with Timor-Leste on the treatment of offenders and the reform of prisons has successfully concluded.
From 26 February to 4 March 2024, UNAFEI invited 10 government officials from the Ministry of Justice and penal institutions of Timor-Leste for a Joint Study with Timor-Leste on Treatment of Offenders and Prison Reform. The Timorese delegation was led by Mr. Delfio Soares Alves, National Director of Prison System and Social Reintegration, Ministry of Justice of Timor-Leste.
The main themes of this joint study were "Understanding the philosophy and practice of juvenile corrections in Japan" and "Introduction and practice of violence prevention guidance in Timor-Leste". UNAFEI shared Japan's efforts and knowledge regarding correctional treatment of juveniles and young offenders in Japan. Moreover, we held a practical dialogue aimed at introducing a violence prevention programme in correctional facilities in Timor-Leste. During the study visits to correctional facilities in Japan, the participants enthusiastically asked questions and had a lively exchange of opinions.
Opening Remarks by UNAFEI Director Yamauchi
Luncheon with Japanese correctional officers
at Tama Juvenile Training School
Mock lecture on the violence prevention programme
Courtesy call to Mr. Takeshi Matsumoto,
Director of the International Affairs Division MOJ
Group Photo
Opening Remarks by UNAFEI Director YamauchiLuncheon with Japanese correctional officers
at Tama Juvenile Training School
Mock lecture on the violence prevention programmeCourtesy call to Mr. Takeshi Matsumoto,
Director of the International Affairs Division MOJ
Group Photo
On 13 – 22 Feb.
Francophone African Criminal Justice Seminar was held in February 2024
The Francophone African Criminal Justice Seminar FY 2024 was held from 13 to 22 February 2024 at JICA Tokyo. The theme of the Seminar was “Problems with the investigation, prosecution and trial procedures of crimes (including organized crimes and cross-border crimes such as human trafficking and terrorism) in which minors are involved.”
Twenty-two criminal justice practitioners from six Francophone African countries (namely Burkina Faso, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Mauritania and Senegal) participated.
Professor Ms. Akiko TANAKA from Setsunan University joined the Seminar as a Japanese expert and delivered a lecture and role-playing exercise on forensic interviewing. Ms. Marie Compere and Mr. Cheibou Samna Soumana from the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ) in Malta attended as visiting experts. They not only delivered a lecture but also attended Professor Tanaka’s lecture and joined the group workshops as advisors. In addition, participants attended a lecture at Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office on its victim protection measures and visited its facilities.
In addition to the country presentations, participants worked in group workshops by country, to further discuss key topics related to the main theme. Each group presented the outcome of their discussions on challenges in the country and their recommended actions. After each presentation, views and opinions were actively exchanged among the participants.
Group photo at the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office
Lecture by Professor Tanaka
Lecture by visiting experts
Group workshop
Group photo at the closing ceremony
Group photo at the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors OfficeLecture by Professor TanakaLecture by visiting expertsGroup workshopGroup photo at the closing ceremony
Courtesy call to Mr. KOIZUMI Ryuji, Minister of Justice
Meeting with Probation Officers of Hiroshima Probation Office and Hogoshi in Hiroshima
Lecture by Mr. Robert Hollander (Prison System Advisor, International Committee of the Red Cross)
Panel Discussion
Courtesy call to Mr. KOIZUMI Ryuji, Minister of JusticeMeeting with Probation Officers of Hiroshima Probation Office and Hogoshi in HiroshimaLecture by Mr. Robert Hollander (Prison System Advisor, International Committee of the Red Cross)Panel Discussion
on 26 January
The 42nd Public Lecture on Criminal Justice Policy was held on January 2024.
Please see this page.
on 12 - 19 January
RTI-SPP Exchange Programme and Training Course for the SPP was held in January 2024
From 12 to 19 January 2024, UNAFEI conducted the RTI-SPP Exchange Programme and the Training Course for the SPP on the theme of the “Criminal Justice Response to Cyber Crimes”, having 12 participants led by Mr. Lê Minh Long, Director of the Department of Public Prosecutions and Supervision over the Investigation of Public Order Crime (V2), Supreme People’s Procuracy of Viet Nam. Japanese experts made lectures and the participants from Viet Nam gave presentations regarding the theme. Through discussions and exchanges of views, both sides were able to deepen their understanding of the operations and challenges of their respective legal systems and practices. We hope that expertise gained through this session will be helpful to the development of cybercrime countermeasures in both Viet Nam and Japan.
Opening Remarks by UNAFEI Director
Presentation from Viet Nam
Lecture by Japanese Expert (Mr. HARA Takumi, Attorney)
Lecture by Japanese Expert (Mr. SAKURAZAWA Kenichi, Managing Director, JC3)
Visiting Tokyo DF center
Group Photo with Participants
Opening Remarks by UNAFEI DirectorPresentation from Viet NamLecture by Japanese Expert (Mr. HARA Takumi, Attorney)Lecture by Japanese Expert (Mr. SAKURAZAWA Kenichi, Managing Director, JC3)Visiting Tokyo DF centerGroup Photo with Participants
Announcement for the "Public Lecture on Criminal Justice Policy" (January 2024)
UNAFEI, in collaboration with the Japan Criminal Policy Society (JCPS), the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation (ACPF), will organize the Public Lecture on Criminal Justice Policy on 26 January, 15:00-18:00 JST (6:00-9:00 GMT), inviting distinguished lecturers from the Confederation of European Probation and His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Prisons.
For more details and registration for the event, please see the attached flyer.
Lecture by Ms. Suet San Daphne Lim,
Senior Principal Investigator, Independent Commission Against CorruptionLecture by Mr. Federico Paesano,
Senior Financial Investigation Specialist, Basel Institute on Governance
Lecture by Mr. Boštjan Lamešič,
Deputy National Member for Slovenia at Eurojust and Senior State Prosecutor
Ms. Rositsa Zaharieva
GlobE Network Coordinator, Corruption and Economic Crime Branch, UNODC
Individual Presentation by participantsGroup WorkshopVisit to Ministry of JusitceLecture by Mr. Morinaga Taro,Director, UNAFEI
On 16-18 Aug., On 9-11 Oct.
On-site workshop in Cambodia and the Study Tour in Thailand for officers of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Interior of Cambodia
From 16 to 18 August 2023, UNAFEI visited Cambodia and co-organized a workshop with the UNODC Bangkok office for more than 60 officers of
the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and the Ministry of Interior (MOI) of Cambodia. In the workshop, representatives from Cambodia made presentations on
the current situation, challenges and future perspectives on parole implementation in Cambodia, followed by discussion with all participants.
In addition, UNAFEI and UNODC made courtesy calls to H.E. Mr. Koeut Rith, the Minister of Justice, and H.E. Pao Hamphan, Secretary of State,
the Ministry of Interior, and met with MOJ and MOI officers to discuss challenges, measures and future activities to develop parole implementation in Cambodia.
From 9 to 11 October 2023, UNAFEI co-organized the study tour to Thailand with the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ), inviting MOJ and MOI
officers of Cambodia to learn how to promote offender rehabilitation and social reintegration in Thailand through community-based and prison-based
treatment. Cambodian delegates and UNAFEI visited TIJ, the Department of Probation, the Ministry of Justice in Thailand, the Chiang Mai Probation Office,
Chiang Mai Women Correctional Institution and Ruean Pathmarong Museum (women’s correction museum) and learned initiatives and practices to promote
offender rehabilitation and social reintegration in Thailand.
UNAFEI will continue to provide technical assistance for developing parole and other community-based treatment systems in Cambodia to promote offender rehabilitation and social reintegration.
(Workshop in Cambodia)
Courtesy call to H.E. Mr. Koeut Rith, the Minister of Justice
Courtesy call to H.E. Mr. Pao Hamphan, the Secretary of State
Workshop discussion
Group photo with participants of workshop in Cambodia
(Study Tour in Thailand)
Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ)
Discussion with Department of Probation
Chiang Mai Probation Office
Chiang Mai Women Correctional Institution
Ruean Pathmarong Museum
Lecture by Mr. NAKAI Masatsugu (Chairman of Chibo)
Lecture by Mr. OU Sabun (Prison Fellowship Cambodia)
Visiting Hogoshi’s House
Group Workshop
Closing Ceremony
Opening CeremonyIndividual PresentationLecture by Mr. NAKAI Masatsugu (Chairman of Chibo)Lecture by Mr. OU Sabun (Prison Fellowship Cambodia)Visiting Hogoshi’s HouseGroup WorkshopClosing Ceremony
on 20 – 26 July
The 10th Comparative Study on Criminal Justice Systems of Japan and Nepal has successfully concluded.
From 20 to 26 July 2023, UNAFEI conducted the 10th Comparative Study on Criminal Justice Systems of Japan and Nepal (hereinafter “the programme”).
12 participants (from the Office of the Attorney General, the Supreme Court of Nepal, the Police and the National Judicial Academy) attended the programme.
The objectives of the programme were to study challenges and solutions of the implementation of the new Criminal Procedure Code in Nepal
that was enacted in 2018 compared to Japanese law and practice. The participants made presentations on challenges and solutions of the implementation.
Professors of UNAFEI and the International Cooperation Department (ICD) made lectures about Japanese law and practice that related to the new systems that were introduced by the code.
The participants visited a halfway house (Offenders Rehabilitation Facility).
We hope that the programme was beneficial for the participants and will be beneficial for the implementation of the new Criminal Procedure Code in Nepal.
Presentation by Nepali experts
Visiting Kunitachi Anryu, Halfway House
Presentation by Nepali expertsDiscussionVisiting Kunitachi Anryu, Halfway HouseClosing
On 19 – 20 July
On-site workshop for Correctional Officials in Timor-Leste
On July 19 and 20, 2023, UNAFEI co-hosted a local workshop with the UNODC
Bangkok office for about 20 correction officials in Timor-Leste. Mr. Morita,
director of the Prison Service Division, Correction Bureau, Ministry of
Justice, lectured on the management of Japanese penal institutions and
the treatment of offenders. In addition, UNAFEI Professor Kida lectured
on, and supervised group work aimed at, introducing guidance on violence
prevention in Timor-Leste, and the participants engaged in lively discussions.
Prior to the workshop, the delegation from Japan paid a courtesy call to Minister of Justice Mr. Amândio Benevides and visited a local prison. Moreover, two architects from the Facilities Division, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Justice of Japan presented on the construction of correctional facilities.
UNAFEI will continue to provide technical assistance on the operation of correctional facilities by the Ministry of Justice of Timor-Leste and on the enhancement of offender treatment.
Courtesy Call on Minister of Justice of Timor-Leste
Meeting between Minister of Justice Benevides and UNAFEI Deputy Director Irie
Presentation on the construction of correctional facilities
Lecture by Mr. Morita
Group Work
Group Photo with Workshop Participants
Visit to Becora Prison
Courtesy Call on Minister of Justice of Timor-LesteMeeting between Minister of Justice Benevides and UNAFEI Deputy Director IriePresentation on the construction of correctional facilitiesLecture by Mr. Morita Group WorkGroup Photo with Workshop ParticipantsVisit to Becora Prison
On 6 – 7 July
UNAFEI’s Contribution to the Ministerial Forum on Justice Affairs Diplomacy
From July 6 to 7, 2023, the Ministry of Justice of Japan hosted the Ministerial Forum on Justice Affairs Diplomacy at the Hotel New-Otani Tokyo. Three ministerial-level meetings were held at the Forum: the ASEAN-Japan Special Meetings of Justice Ministers, the ASEAN-G7 Justice Ministers' Special Dialogue and the ASEAN-G7 Justice Ministers’ Interface. Related events included the ASEAN-Japan Special Youth Forum and other special events and exhibitions were held to disseminate the Ministry of Justice's policies and activities. UNAFEI was involved with the following events at the Forum:
(1) Symposium Hosted by UNAFEI: A Comparative Approach to a Culture of Lawfulness
On July 6, UNAFEI held a special event, a symposium on “A Comparative Approach to a Culture of Lawfulness (CoL)”. UNAFEI Director Taro Morinaga gave an introductory speech
and Professor Hiroshi Matsuo of Keio University's Graduate School of Law delivered a keynote speech, followed by presentations by ten panellists in two panels.
The panellists were practitioners in the field of criminal justice from ASEAN countries, Timor-Leste and Japan.
The theme of Panel 1 was “Civil Society Engagement in Fostering a CoL” in which presentations were made on examples of citizen participation in the criminal justice system
and efforts to instil a CoL in local communities, with a view to fostering public trust and understanding of the criminal justice system.
The theme of Panel 2 was “Institutional Development and Training of Practitioners to Foster a CoL”.
Panellists presented on how institutions have worked to improve access to justice and make it more inclusive, and what efforts have been made to increase public trust in the law,
the legal system, and law enforcement agencies.
After the symposium, the panellists and UNAFEI professors held a plenary discussion at UNAFEI on July 10.
They exchanged insights cultural differences and shared values in light of the speeches and presentations at the symposium, and acknowledged the importance of promoting a CoL.
Speakers and panellists
Keynote Speech by Prof. Matsuo
(2) UNAFEI took part in the ASEAN-Japan Special Youth Forum
UNAFEI professors participated as expert advisors in the ASEAN-Japan Special Youth Forum for Promoting the Rule of Law on July 5 and 6,
which was jointly organized by the Ministry of Justice of Japan and the Thailand Institute of Justice.
The Youth Forum brought together about 70 youth participants from ASEAN countries, Timor-Leste and Japan for a passionate discussion on the rule of law in the digital era under the theme
“Building Justice Literacy for Enhanced Access to Justice”.
The two-day discussion resulted in a set of recommendations, which were presented to the Minister of Justice of Japan,
Mr. SAITO Ken, one of the co-chairs of the ASEAN-Japan Special Meeting of Justice Ministers, and will be also presented at the intersessional meeting of
the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice to be held in September this year.
Youth participants and expert advisors smiling after the discussion.
UNAFEI professors joined the youth participants in thinking about the potential of access to justice in the future society. Despite some difficulty with the latest digital terminology,
the discussions among youth participants from diverse backgrounds and values were very interesting and productive during the two days.
Director Morinaga also interacted with the youth participants at a luncheon held on July 5.
(3) Special Event “Technical Assistance in Community-based Treatment of Offenders in the Past, Present and Future” co-hosted by the Rehabilitation Bureau of
the Ministry of Justice and UNAFEI
On July 7, the Rehabilitation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice and UNAFEI
held the special event “Technical Assistance in Community-based Treatment of Offenders in the Past, Present and Future.”
Speakers from Cambodia, the Philippines, Thailand and Japan delivered presentations on technical assistance in the ASEAN region and shared their experience and knowledge.
They also confirmed they have enhanced mutual understanding by building stronger ties and cooperative relationships with and among ASEAN countries.
We hope for further development of the community corrections systems and practices in each country through the sharing of good practices.
Opening Remarks by Director Morinaga
Presentations by speakers
(4) ASEAN-Japan Special Meeting of Justice Ministers, Plenary Session 2
Plenary session 2 of the ASEAN-Japan Special Meeting of Justice Ministers was convened on July 6, 2023.
In Plenary Session 2, the Meeting endorsed the ASEAN-Japan Work Plan on Law and Justice. International organizations presented the resources they can provide for the implementation
of the Work Plan. UNAFEI introduced its past activities and presented a plan to launch a new training course for ASEAN member states in 2024, together with JICA,
as a step toward the implementation of the Joint Statement of the ASEAN-Japan Special Meeting of Justice Ministers and the Work Plan. UNAFEI looks forward to implementing the work plan
hand-in-hand with ASEAN member states through this training course.
Presentation by Deputy Director Irie
Speakers and panellists Keynote Speech by Prof. Matsuo Youth participants and expert advisors smiling after the discussion. UNAFEI professors joined the youth participants in thinking about the potential of access to justice in the future society. Despite some difficulty with the latest digital terminology, the discussions among youth participants from diverse backgrounds and values were very interesting and productive during the two days.
Director Morinaga also interacted with the youth participants at a luncheon held on July Opening Remarks by Director Morinaga Presentations by speakers Presentation by Deputy Director Irie
on 8 - 15 June
The Malaysia and the Philippines Joint Study Tour to Japan on Community Corrections has successfully concluded.
From 8 to 17 June 2023, in collaboration with the United Nations Office
on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), UNAFEI conducted the “Malaysia and the Philippines
Joint Study Tour to Japan on Community Corrections.”
A total of 14 participants (7 from Malaysia and 7 from the Philippines)
attended the programme. The objectives of the study tour included deepening
the understanding of theories and practices related to offender rehabilitation,
and collaboration with community volunteers such as hogoshi. They participated
in several lectures, such as one delivered by Dr. Raymund E. Narag, Associate
Professor at the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Southern
Illinois University Carbondale. They also visited a probation office and
an offender rehabilitation support centre.
We hope that what the participants learned during the study tour in Japan
will be beneficial for the development of the community corrections systems
and practices in Malaysia and the Philippines.
Lecture by Dr. Narag
Presentation by Malaysia
Presentation by the Philippines
Visiting a hogoshi’s home (Souji-temple)
Visiting Offender Rehabilitation Support Centre Hino/Tama/Inagi
Lecture by Dr. NaragPresentation by MalaysiaPresentation by the PhilippinesVisiting a hogoshi’s home (Souji-temple)Visiting Offender Rehabilitation Support Centre Hino/Tama/Inagi
UNAFEI will hold a symposium on a "Comparative Approach to a Culture of Lawfulness" as a special event of the ASEAN-Japan Special Legal Affairs Ministers' Meeting on Thursday, 6 July 2023,
both at the venue and online. The event will feature a keynote speech delivered by Professor Hiroshi Matsuo from Keio University. Based on this speech, panellists representing ASEAN member countries
and other participants will share insights into their respective countries' current legal compliance cultures and the challenges they face in promoting such cultures.
The subsequent discussion will focus on finding solutions to address these issues. We look forward to your active participation. Pre-registration is required to attend this symposium.
Please see the flyer for details.
on 7 - 8 June
The Japanese session of the TIJ Executive Programme on the Implementation of International Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice has successfully concluded.
On 7 and 8 June 2023, UNAFEI conducted the Japan session of the “TIJ Executive Programme on the Implementation of International Standards and Norms
in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice” organized by the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ). This programme is designed to deepen understanding of international standards and norms
in crime prevention and criminal justice for executive practitioners from various fields, such as government officials, business people and researchers. The Japan session was held to provide
the participants with opportunities to learn about Japanese practice.
A total of 36 participants came to Japan, and on the first day they visited
a halfway house and a prison to learn about the actual operation of facilities
and rehabilitation of offenders in Japan. In the morning of the second
day, Dr. TOI Hiroki, Associate Professor at the Department of Social Welfare
Studies, Faculty of Design for Welfare Society, Toyo University, gave a
lecture on recidivism prevention plans, and the people involved in the
Akishima City Recidivism Prevention Plan explained the current measures
the city is taking. In the afternoon of the second day, a UNAFEI professor
and representatives of the Thai participants made presentations under the
theme of “Latest Initiatives for the Prevention of Recidivism”, and both
sides exchanged opinions in the plenary discussion.
Both UNAFEI and TIJ are members of the United Nations Crime Prevention
and Criminal Justice Programme Network Institutes (PNI). UNAFEI will continue
to collaborate with TIJ and other PNI members to enhance each other's activities.
Visiting Saishu-kai, Halfway house
Presentation by UNAEI
Visiting Saishu-kai, Halfway housePresentation by UNAEI
on 24 May
UNAFEI and the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ) concluded a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) on 24 May 2023.
During the 32nd session of the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention
and Criminal Justice, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between UNAFEI
and the IIJ at the Vienna International Center with the aim of further
strengthening cooperation in the future.
Mr. Taro Morinaga, Director of UNAFEI and Mr. Steven Hill, Executive Secretary of IIJ
Mr. Taro Morinaga, Director of UNAFEI and Mr. Steven Hill, Executive Secretary of IIJ
on 22 - 26 May
The 32nd session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
The 32nd session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) was held at the Vienna International Centre (UNODC) from 22 to 26 May 2023.
Director Morinaga, Deputy Director Irie, Professor Takai and Ms. Otani attended in-person, and other professors attended online.
At the plenary of the CCPCJ, Director Morinaga delivered two statements on UNAFEI’s recent activities
and follow-up on the Kyoto Declaration which was adopted at the Fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.
He touched upon the organization of the PNI event on reducing reoffending in October 2022 and introduced its outcome document.
The side event with UNICRI,
On 24 May, UNAFEI organized a side event titled “PNI Efforts to Reduce Reoffending Through Technical Assistance”
with the support of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI),
the United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFRI),
the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ) and the UNODC Justice Section, which are all PNI members.
The speakers presented on practices and approaches aimed at reducing reoffending and expressed support for the development of the new Model Strategies on Reducing Reoffending,
and the importance of multi-agency collaboration not only in reducing reoffending itself but also in technical assistance was recognized.
Also on 24 May, Director Morinaga delivered a speech at a side event organized by the TIJ.
He expressed his appreciation for the work of the TIJ in promoting the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules)
throughout the world, and conveyed his deep appreciation for the initiative of HRH Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol of Thailand over the years.
During the CCPCJ, UNAFEI displayed an exhibition in the Rotunda, advertising our activities with Japanese origami (paper folding) and a Japanese happi (festival gown).
Some participants stopped by and tried origami instructed by Director Morinaga.
It is a great pleasure to announce that UNAFEI will hold an online pre-session for participants of the “ASEAN-Japan Special Youth Forum” to be held in July 2023, jointly with the Thailand Institute of Justice. The main purpose of the pre-session is to provide the participants with the necessary knowledge and background that will form the basis of the discussions at the Youth Forum, as well as deepen the exchange between participants. We look forward to your active participation. Please see the flyer for information on how to apply to the Youth Forum.
Individual PresentationLecture by Dr. Kobayashi (Kanagawa Psychiatric Centre)Lecture by Mr. Wataru Kashino and Ms. Sanita Suhartono (UNODC)Group WorkshopObservation Visit to Fuchu PrisonClosing Ceremony
on 28 February -
10 March
◆ Francophone African Criminal Justice Seminar
The Francophone African Criminal Justice Seminar FY 2022 was held from 28 February to 10 March 2023 at JICA Tokyo. The theme of the Seminar was “Challenges in investigation and trials of drug crimes and measures to tackle these challenges”
Twenty-six criminal justice practitioners from seven Francophone African countries (namely Burkina Faso, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal) participated.
Mr. Andrew Munanura (in-person) from the United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFRI) in Uganda and Mr. Cheibou Samna Soumana (online) from the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ) in Malta attended as visiting experts. Mr. ONISHI Masahito (in-person) also attended as a lecturer from the Narcotics Control Department, Kanto-Shinetsu Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare, Japan.
In addition to the country presentations, participants worked in group workshops to further discuss key topics related to the main theme. Each group presented the outcome of their discussions on common challenges among participating countries and their recommended actions. After each presentation, views and opinions were actively exchanged among the participants.
Group photo at the Ministry of Justice
Presentation by Group A
Presentation by Group B
Presentation by Group C
Group photo at the closing ceremony
Group photo at the Ministry of Justice
Presentation by Group A Presentation by Group BPresentation by Group CGroup photo at the closing ceremony
on 1 - 6 March
The joint study with the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on the treatment of offenders and the reform of prisons has successfully concluded.
From 1 to 6 March 2023, UNAFEI invited 6 government officials from the Ministry of Justice and penal
institutions of Timor-Leste for a Joint Study with Timor-Leste on Treatment of Offenders and Prison
Reform. The Timorese delegation was led by Mr. Delfio Soares Alves, National Director of Prison System
and Social Reintegration, Ministry of Justice of Timor-Leste. The main theme of this joint study was to
strengthen the functions of correctional facilities in Timor-Leste by learning about the efforts of correctional
facilities and the treatment of offenders in Japan, and an overview of Japan's correctional system was
introduced. In particular, Japan's knowledge and efforts regarding treatment programmes and prison work
in correctional facilities were introduced. Active discussions were held on the introduction of guidance on
violence prevention in correctional facilities in Timor-Leste based on the knowledge gained through this
joint study.
Courtesy call to Mr. HANAMURA Hirofumi, Director-General of the Correction Bureau, MOJ
Lecture by Mr. TAKIURA Masashi, Assistant Director of the Juvenile Treatment Division, Correction Bureau, MOJ
Study visit to the Tama Juvenile Training School
Closing ceremony
Courtesy call to Mr. HANAMURA Hirofumi, Director-General of the Correction Bureau, MOJLecture by Mr. TAKIURA Masashi, Assistant Director of the Juvenile Treatment Division, Correction Bureau, MOJStudy visit to the Tama Juvenile Training SchoolClosing ceremony
on 13 - 14 February
UNAFEI took part in the second Criminal Justice Forum for Asia and the Pacific (Crim-AP)
UNAFEI took part in the second Crim-AP, which was held over two days from 13 to 14 February 2023.
The Crim-AP is a platform organized by the Government of Japan and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to enhance international cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region by sharing information about each country’s legal frameworks and practices.
The forum also strengthened the network of regional practitioners as one of the initiatives of the implementation of the Kyoto Declaration,
which was adopted at the 14th United Nations
Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (the Kyoto Congress) held in 2021.
During the plenary session on the first day of the forum, Mr. Taro Morinaga,
Director of UNAFEI, gave a statement in which he introduced UNAFEI's efforts to implement the Kyoto Declaration,
including international training courses for criminal justice practitioners around the world on crime prevention and treatment of offenders,
and the international youth training course to promote awareness among younger generations about the importance of building a safe and inclusive society.
On the second day, in the Working Group on Offender Treatment and Rehabilitation (WG-OTR), Ms. Junko Irie, Deputy Director of UNAFEI,
introduced some of UNAFEI’s specific activities including technical assistance to Cambodia and the Philippines in community corrections,
as well as PNI events where technical assistance on reducing reoffending was discussed.
Discussion at WG-OTR
In addition to learning about the systems and initiatives in each country, it was a meaningful opportunity for face-to-face exchanges with participants from overseas.
With Malaysian delegates
on 9 - 14 February
The Study Tour for Kenyan Officials has successfully concluded.
From 9 to 14 February 2023, we invited 9 government officials from Kenya to UNAFEI for a study tour on the community-based rehabilitation of children in conflict with the law.
The Kenyan delegation was led by the Hon. Lady Justice Teresia Mumbua Matheka,Chairperson of the National Council on the Administration of Justice Standing Committee on the Administration of Justice for Children.
The study tour included lectures by the police, a juvenile classification home, an employment support organization and a UNAFEI professor, as well as a meeting with hogoshi, who are community volunteers involved in rehabilitation of offenders.
During the discussion sessions, the participants engaged in lively discussions on approaches to enhance delinquency prevention and rehabilitation of children in conflict with the law in Kenya, drawing on the information presented during the lectures.
Courtesy call to Mr. SHIBUYA Hiroyuki, Director of Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office Tachikawa Branch
Group photo at UNAFEI
A scene of the programmeCourtesy call to Mr. SHIBUYA Hiroyuki, Director of Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office Tachikawa Branch DiscussionGroup photo at UNAFEI
Individual Presentation Lecture by TOMITA Satoko(Director of the International Affairs Office, Headquarters of the JLSC)Group discussionPresentation by each group
Courtesy call to Mr. KADOYAMA Hiroaki, State Minister of Justice.Closing Ceremony
on 27 January
The 41st Public Lecture on Criminal Justice Policy was held on January 2023.
Please see this page.
Announcement for the "Public Lecture on Criminal Justice Policy" (January 2023)
UNAFEI, in collaboration with the Japan Criminal Policy Society (JCPS), the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation (ACPF),
will organize the Public Lecture on Criminal Justice Policy on 27 January, 15:00-18:00 JST (6:00-9:00 GMT),
inviting distinguished lecturers from the International Criminal Court and the Probation and Aftercare Service of Kenya.
For more details and registration for the event, please see the attached flyer.
The United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) actively participates in various international conventions, giving lectures, making proposals, and expressing opinions for the development of crime prevention and criminal justice.
The 184th International Training Course
(Countermeasures against trafficking in persons,
with a focus on trafficking in persons for sexual exploitation)
9 - 29 May 2024
The 185th International Training Course
(Preventing Inmate Abuse and Corruption in Correctional Facilities:
Fostering a Rehabilitative Prison Environment)
11 Sep. - 9 Oct. 2024
The 26th UNAFEI UNCAC Training Programme
23 Oct - 19 Nov. 2024
The 1st ASEAN-Japan Criminal Justice Seminar
4 - 17 Dec. 2024
The 186th International Senior Seminar
(Criminal Justice Issues regarding Youth Involved in Terrorism)