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Seminar on Criminal Justice for Central Asia

In 1991 Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in Central Asia, became independent from the former Soviet Union. Now, each country strives to establish the rule of law and is in the process of comprehensive justice system reform.

Although the situation of each country varies to a considerable extent, organized crime, involving drugs, weapon smuggling, money laundering and corruption are rampant, and cause various problems in this region. In order to tackle these problems the reinforcement of law and order in accordance with due process is an urgent challenge.

Under these circumstances, the Training Course on the Criminal Justice System for Tajikistan Criminal Justice Officials was expanded in 2005 to include all the above-mentioned Central Asian countries. This seminar will be attended by approximately 15 judges, public prosecutors, investigators and other criminal justice officials; three from each country.

The seminar consists of lectures by the professors of UNAFEI, ad hoc lecturers and presentations, discussions by participants on the actual situation of their respective countries and study tours to criminal justice agencies.

Course No. Duration No. of participants Subject Details
Follow-Up 5 Mar. - 18 Mar. 2014 10 Addressing Corruption which hinders Countermeasures against Drug Offences: Focusing on Ethics and Codes of Conduct for Judges, Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Officials
(1) Status in Respective Countries
(2) Codes of conduct and other measures for corruption control
(3) Appointment, education and training
(4) Procedural Regulations
9th 27 Feb. - 14 Mar. 2013 12 Addressing Corruption which hinders Countermeasures for Drug Offences and Other Crimes: Especially, Ethics and Codes of Conduct for Judges, Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Officials
(1) Codes of conduct and other measures for corruption control
(2) Appointment, education and training
(3) Procedural Regulations
-Newsletter 141PDF
8th 29 Feb. - 15 Mar. 2012 9 Addressing Corruption which hinders Countermeasures for Drug Offences and Other Crimes: Especially, Ethics and Codes of Conduct for Judges, Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Officials
(1) Codes of conduct and other measures for corruption control
(2) Appointment, education and training
(3) Procedural Regulations
-Newsletter 138PDF
7th 2 - 14 Mar. 2011 7 Addressing Corruption which hinders Countermeasures for Drug Offences and Other Crimes: Especially, Ethics and Codes of Conduct for Judges, Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Officials
(1) Codes of conduct and other measures for corruption control
(2) Education and training
(3) Procedural Regulations
6th 3 - 18 Mar. 2010 9 Effective Measures against Drug Offences and International Co-operation in the Criminal Justice Process
(1) Prevention and control of drug crimes
(2) Measures to combat drug crimes at the investigation and trial stages
(3) Measures and policies to facilitate international co-operation and prevent transnational drug dealings
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5th 23 Feb. - 6 Mar. 2009 11 Effective Measures against Drug Offences and International Co-operation in the Criminal Justice Process -Newsletter 129PDF
4th 25 Feb. - 14 Mar. 2008 14 Countermeasures for Drug Offences and Related Crimes and Treatment for Drug Abusers in the Criminal Justice Process -Newsletter 126PDF
3rd 26 Feb. - 16 Mar. 2007 13 Effective Measures and Enhancement of Treatment for Drug Abusers in the Criminal Justice Process
1 Measures for the Prevention of Drug Crime
(1) Legal measures to prevent drug crime
(2) Current situation of drug dealing problems and countermeasures
(3) Problems and solutions in regard to international investigations and mutual legal assistance

2 Appropriate Treatment for Substance Abusers
(1) Legal measures in regard to punishment and treatment for substance abusers
(2) Current situation of drug abuse, problems and countermeasures
(3) Effective treatment and effective policies to promote reintegration into society of substance abusers
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2nd 27 Feb. - 17 Mar. 2006 14 Criminal Justice Systems and Their Operation as a Response to the Demands of the Present Age.
(1) Provisions for Due Process in Criminal Justice
(2) International Cooperation to Combat Crime Globalization
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1st 28 Feb. - 18 Mar. 2005 16 Comparative Study on the Criminal Justice Systems of the participating countries and Japan
- for the establishment of a fair and efficient Criminal Justice system.
(1) Current situation of crime and security in the participating countries and Japan
(2) Criminal justice system and practice in the participating countries and Japan
(3) Initiatives for the improvement of the Criminal justice system and practice in the participating countries and Japan
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