Public Lecture 2016
UNAFEI Public Lecture Held at the Ministry of Justice, Japan
UNAFEI, the Japan Criminal Policy Society Foundation and the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation have collectively hosted annual public lectures on criminal justice policy.
On 29 January 2016, Visiting Experts from the U.S and the U.K delivered lectures at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Justice, to the audience of about 160 people, including personnel from government offices such as the Ministry of Justice and Public Prosecutors Offices, universities, NGOs, etc. and 21 participants of the 162nd International Senior Seminar. The lectures were concluded with great success.
The lecturers and topics of the Public Lecture were as follows:
(1) Prof. Robert Canton, Professor in Community and Criminal Justice, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, De Montfort University
"The Future of Community Penalties"
(2) Ms. Beverly Diane Williams, President Emeritus of Safer Foundation
"Improving Efficiency and Outcomes Through Collaboration: An NGO Perspective"
The contents of the lectures are available below:
Prof. Robert Canton
Ms. Beverly Diane Williams