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Training Courses/Seminars Training Courses/Seminars

Public Lecture 2017

2017 Photo:1
Professor Richard Dembo
2017 Photo:2
Dr. Matti Joutsen

UNAFEI Public Lecture Held at the Ministry of Justice, Japan

UNAFEI, the Japan Criminal Policy Society Foundation and the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation have collectively hosted annual public lectures on criminal justice policy.

On 27 January 2017, Visiting Experts from the U.S and Finland delivered lectures on Juvenile Justice and the United Nations Standards and Norms at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Justice, to an audience of about 150 people, including personnel from government offices such as the Ministry of Justice and Public Prosecutors Offices, universities, NGOs, etc. and 31 participants of UNAFEI’s 165th International Senior Seminar. The lectures concluded with great success.

The lecturers and topics of the Public Lecture were as follows:

(1)Professor Richard Dembo, University of South Florida, U.S.A.
" Civil Citation Programs (Diversion) "

(2) Dr. Matti Joutsen, HEUNI, Director
" Riyadh Guidelines and Havana Rules in Juvenile Justice "

The contents of the lectures are available below:

Dr. Matti Joutsen
