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Public Lecture 2020

2020 Photo:1
Ms. Jana Špero
2020 Photo:2
Mr. Matthew Wee Yik Keong

UNAFEI Public Lecture Held at the Ministry of Justice, Japan

UNAFEI, the Japan Criminal Policy Society Foundation and the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation have collectively hosted annual Public Lectures on Criminal Justice Policy.

On 31 January 2020, Visiting Experts from Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia and Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises delivered lectures at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Justice, to an audience of about 150 people, including personnel from government offices such as the Ministry of Justice and Public Prosecutors Offices, universities, NGOs, etc. and 23 participants of UNAFEI's 174th International Senior Seminar. The lectures concluded with great success.

The lecturers and topics of the Public Lecture were as follows:

(1) Ms. Jana Špero, Assistant Minister (Director General) of the Directorate for Prison System and Probation, Ministry of Justice, the Republic of Croatia
" Prison and probation service in the Republic of Croatia "

(2) Mr. Matthew Wee Yik Keong, Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises
" Yellow Ribbon Project - Empowering Lives, Transforming Communities "

Ms. Jana Špero introduced prison and probation service in the Republic of Croatia from the perspectives of rehabilitating and reintegrating offenders into society. She explained the current situation of prison-based rehabilitation and Croatia’s experience in establishing its probation service. Mr. Matthew Wee Yik Keong introduced the Yellow Ribbon Project, which is a project promoting the public awareness to accept ex-inmates into society. He explained the history, players, outcomes and social impact of the Yellow Ribbon Project.

The contents of the lectures are available below:

Ms. Jana Špero

Mr. Matthew Wee Yik Keong
