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Report of the Public Lecture

UNAFEI, the Japan Criminal Policy Society Foundation and the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation have hosted the annual Public Lecture on Criminal Justice Policy since 1982. The 39th event was held on 29 January 2021.

This was the first time that the Public Lecture was held online and the first time that these lectures have been open to the international community.

Both lectures offered insightful yet practical approaches to criminal justice and offender treatment. In total, 323 participants from 26 countries and jurisdictions including Japan participated through an online conference system. The participants included UNAFEI alumni, criminal justice experts, government officials, university researchers, students and so on.

Flyer of the event 2021 Photo:1


Mr. Lee Ying Wai, Jacky (Hong Kong Correctional Services Department)
Smart Prison Development in Hong Kong
Mr. Lee Ying Wai, Jacky(PDF:4,963KB) PDF

Prof. Nicola Padfield (University of Cambridge)
Evaluating "Smarter Sentencing" and "Smarter Punishments": a View from England
Prof. Nicola Padfield(PDF:499KB)PDF

Mr. Lee Ying Wai, Jacky 2021 Photo:2
Prof. Nicola Padfield 2021 Photo:3

Mr. Lee focused on the background of the smart prison initiative and introduced concepts for correctional management - sustainable development through reforming correctional administration, as well as operational practices. He also addressed the current situation in Hong Kong's prisons and the technology used to combat COVID-19.

Prof. Nicola Padfield covered the whole criminal justice process and offender treatment in England, including government policy initiatives considering the influence of the global pandemic. She also indicated promising practices in criminal sentencing and punishment.

After the lectures, an intensive Q&A session was held through the online conference system, and many questions raised from all part of the world were actively discussed.

Moderator and host staff members at UNAFEI 2021 Photo:4
Director of UNAFEI, Mr. SETO Takeshi 2021 Photo:5
Closing of the event 2021 Photo:6
