Report of the Public Lecture
UNAFEI, the Japan Criminal Policy Society Foundation and the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation have hosted the annual Public Lecture on Criminal Justice Policy since 1982. The 40th event was held on 8 February 2022.
In response to the outbreak of Covid-19, the event was held in a completely online format. There were 500 registrations from 53 countries and regions, including Japan, and 357 participants from 41 countries and regions attended on the day. We also received several inquiries from people who were unable to register due to oversubscription, indicating the high level of interest in this webinar.
We appreciate the contribution of the two lecturers, who provided meaningful lectures on criminal policy based on their research and practical experience. Once again, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for their outstanding lecturers.
Mr. Celso J.N. Manata
Deputy Attorney General, Portugal
Prisoner's Rights and Courts
Paper (PDF:236KB) , Slides (PDF:1,236KB)
Prof. Shadd Maruna
Professor of Criminology at Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland
"Lived Experience" Research in Criminology and Desistance from Crime
Slides (PDF:1,474KB)
Mr. Manata introduced the Portuguese system to properly safeguard the rights of prisoners. While some rights are inevitably suspended during incarceration, the rights of prisoners should be guaranteed to the broadest extent possible based on the idea that "People go to prison as a punishment and not to be punished".
Mr. Maruna explained Desistance Theory and introduced his research and advocacy activities with the participation of ex-prisoners as ‘experts by experience’.
Each lecture was followed by a question-and-answer session, during which participants asked many questions and engaged in lively discussions with the lecturers.