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What's New Archive (2015)

Dec. 2 - 16

The Second Training Course on Legal Technical Assistance for Vietnam was held from 2 - 16 December.

Nov. 25 - Dec. 1

Study Tour to Japan for the Hon. Deputy Director General of Prisons Department, Ministry of Home Affairs of the Union of Myanmar in November 2015 was held from 25 November to 1 December.
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Nov. 22 - 27

UNAFEI Professor attended the 35th Asian and Pacific Conference of Correctional Administrators (22 - 27 November, at Bangkok, Thailand).

Oct. 26 - 29

UNAFEI Professors attended the 17th ICPA Annual Conference (26 - 29 October, at Melbourne, Australia).

Oct. 4 - 11

UNAFEI Director and UNAFEI Professor visited Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ) (4 - 11 October, at Bangkok, Thailand).
写真1:タイ王国法務研究所(TIJ) 写真2:タイ王国法務研究所(TIJ)

Aug. 31 - Sep. 2

UNAFEI Professor attended the 6th Intersessional Meeting of Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Prevention, UNCAC (31 August – 2 September, at Vienna, Austria).
写真1:国連腐敗防止条約第6回防止措置作業部会 写真2:国連腐敗防止条約第6回防止措置作業部会

Aug. 26

The participants of the 161st International Training Course paid a courtesy visit to Ms. Yoko KAMIKAWA, Minister of Justice on 26 August.

Aug. 22 - 23

UNAFEI Professor attended the 6th International Forum of Contemporary Criminal Law held by College of Criminal Law Science in Beijing Normal University (22 - 23 August, at Beijing, China).

Aug. 3 - 21

Training Seminar for Prison Officials in Myanmar (UNODC - UNAFEI) was held from 3 - 21 August.
Venue :
Mandalay, Myanmar (3-7 August)
Yangon(Insein), Myanmar (10-21 August)
写真1:ミャンマー刑務所運営改善支援 写真2:ミャンマー刑務所運営改善支援

Aug. 3

UNAFEI Professor attended 2nd International Meeting on Offender Rehabilitation (3 August, at Bangkok, Thailand).

Jul. 14 - 16

UNAFEI Professors attended Second World Congress on Community Corrections (14 - 16 July, at Los Angeles, California, USA).
写真1:第2回世界保護観察会議 写真2:第2回世界保護観察会議

Jun. 26

The Joint Study on the Legal Systems of Japan and Viet Nam 2015 RTI - SPP Exchange Program Japan Session concluded on 26 June.

Jun. 22

The Joint Study on the Legal Systems of Japan and Viet Nam 2015 RTI - SPP Exchange Program Japan Session commenced on 22 June.

Jun. 11

UNAFEI Professor attended Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ) Seminar on Criminal Justice Human Resources (11 June, at Bangkok, Thailand).

Jun. 4 - 5

UNAFEI Director attended AsianSIL Inter-Sessional Regional Conference 2015 (4 - 5 June, at Bangkok, Thailand).
Presentation by Director Yamashita :
Document (PDF:267KB) , Slides (PDF:601KB)

May 20 - 21

UNAFEI Professors attended ASEAN Plus Three Forum on Probation and Community-Based Rehabilitation (20 - 21 May, at Tagaytay, Philippines).
写真1:保護観察及び非拘禁措置に関するASEAN+3会議 写真2:保護観察及び非拘禁措置に関するASEAN+3会議

May 20

The participants of the 160th International Training Course paid a courtesy visit to Ms. Yoko KAMIKAWA, Minister of Justice on 20 May.
写真1:表敬訪問 写真2:表敬訪問

May 11 - 13

UNAFEI Professor attended the 6th Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Symposium (11 - 13 May, in Hong Kong).
写真1:第6回香港汚職対策独立委員会(ICAC)シンポジウム 写真2:第6回香港汚職対策独立委員会(ICAC)シンポジウム

In April 2015, UNAFEI started a new fiscal year. The new faculty and staff members are pictured below.

Mar. 20

The Second UNAFEI Criminal Justice Training Programme for French-Speaking African Countries concluded on 20 March .

Feb. 26

Minister of Justice of Thailand, Gen. Paiboon Koomchaya visited UNAFEI on 26 February.

Feb. 25

The Second UNAFEI Criminal Justice Training Programme for French-Speaking African Countries commenced on 25 February.
写真1:第2回仏語圏アフリカ刑事司法研修 写真2:第2回仏語圏アフリカ刑事司法研修

Feb. 24 - 26

The Seminar on Promoting Community-based Treatment in the ASEAN Region commenced on 24-26 February (at Bangkok, Thailand).
写真1:アセアン社会内処遇推進セミナー 写真2:アセアン社会内処遇推進セミナー

Jan. 27

The participants of the 159th International Senior Seminar had a meeting with Japanese volunteer probation officers on 27 January.
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Jan. 21

The participants of the 159h International Senior Seminar paid a courtesy visit to Ms. Yoko KAMIKAWA, Minister of Justice on 21 January.

What's New Archive
